
Monday, 1 December 2014


As you may have noticed, the description above states that I will muse on textile pattern, colour and texture as well as techniques and tips.  Well I reckon I've mused at length on the first three items in that list. From bees to tartan, deckchair stripes to herringbone, I've raided the treasure trove of furnishing fabrics to highlight the ones that I love, and told some of the stories that are woven into them along the way.  But I haven't done much in the way of the two T's: techniques and tips.
To right that wrong, and ring in the festive season (and just to make my life just a little more hectic than it is already!) I have decided to give myself a challenge:  in the run up to Christmas I will post 12 easy peasy Makes - simple ideas of things you can make as gifts and treats for your friends and family. 

So, as its the first day of December, it seemed fitting that the Gina Take a Bow CHRISTMAS MAKE NO. 1 is an Advent Calendar that you can make to string across a mantelpiece: 24 little bags to fill with sweets or tiny presents, to unpin and empty each day in the eager countdown that is the magic of Christmas!

Ian Mankin's Ticking 01 in traditional black and white, with snippets of red swedish linen from Portobello Road's Cloth Shop

For further instructions, go to the Makes tab at the top of the page.

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